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In order to use the standalone app on a Mac, it asks to "allow the application to record the content on your screen and audio, even while using other application"

Where do these recordings get saved? and do we need to delete these to avoid unnecessary memory clutter?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hey! Thanks for reaching out. It's not "Recording" per se, but it is instead just using the new Screen Recording API to get the computer's audio in realtime. It will only use a small amount of memory and only while MiniMeters is running.

For the record I am not even setting up the video side of the recording just grabbing the audio. More info here

Is this new version laggy for anyone else? running macos 10.15.7

Hey herryfreer, 

I had a Mac user with AMD Graphics report an issue with the latest version. Particularly lag related to using pop out windows.  Does that line up with your experience? If so, I’m looking into a fix. 

If not, could you open MiniMeters, click CMD-D, and send a screenshot of the window that pops up? Thanks.

Yo yeah I'm having the same issue with the pop-out windows being laggy. But I don't have AMD Graphics I think? Not sure though I have Intel Iris Plus Graphics 1536MB if thats what you mean

Alright thanks for the reply. Sorry you're running into this. If you could open MiniMeters, click CMD-D and get me a screenshot of the that screen it would help a a lot. I'm trying to figure out a way to replicate the issue here since none of my Macs are exhibiting this  behavior.

Also the 'Legacy' includes older versions that you can use in the meantime!

great tool


I've downloaded the Mac demo but when I open it in Logic, it says "currently set as primary instance".  What does that mean?

Hey! You need to open the in your  Applications folder. MiniMeters is standalone but connects to the plugin to route the audio. More Info here:


I purchased the plugin and download everything to Mac for use with Ableton. Unfortunately when I go to use the plugin (MiniMetersServer) It simply says "currently sending audio to MiniMeters" But Nothing is being displayed. 

I tried to go onto Discord for help solving this issue but when clicking on the link it says "the invite is no longer available".

I do not have twitter either.

I would appreciate help in solving this issue.

Thank you,

Hey, sorry you're running into the issue. I just tried the discord link and it appears to still be working, but no worries.

I have had a couple macOS users run into this issue with the plugin. I am working on an update that will likely address the issues however you can test if it's working by opening the plugin in Ableton, opening your web browser, and navigating to http://localhost:8422/data. If it doesn't load any information then likely something is blocking the connection.

Hey this should be fixed as of 0.8.6. Please let me know if you have any issues with the new version.

can I install this on my 2 computers or there is a single license only?

You can install this on as many of your computers as you'd like.

another question, will the future updates cost or by buying it once you have a life-time update?


At the time of writing this message MiniMeters is still in "public beta" so it's not even at 1.0 yet (0.8.5). You will receive updates from now through 1.x.x. I do not have plans for a v2.0 at the moment so likely you will continue to receive updates indefinitely.

Let me just start by saying this is worth every penny. I'm currently using it as part of my live streaming setup by capturing the window with OBS. I'm using a lot of Nvidia codecs for my streaming and i noticed that minimeters is taking up a lot of GPU usage. I'd really love to see some optimization in that department in the future.

Hey! Thanks for picking it up. I am constantly working on lowering CPU and GPU usage MiniMeters. However, MiniMeters does have to send quite a bit of data the GPU new data every frame to keep up to date with the audio. So I can get a better idea of what you're experiencing what GPU are you currently using? What is your FPS limit in MiniMeters? and what GPU percentage are you seeing? Thanks!


Best purchase I've made for productions in a long time.  

a suggestion: would it be possible to have a system tray setting? i.e. making it so the application isn't on the taskbar I use Alt Tab a fair bit and I cant see a reason why It needs to be on the taskbar / showing in the alt tab view as its always on screen. If needed adding the option Show / Hide option on the system tray icon when right clicking.

Thanks for making such an amazing piece of kit! 

I love this app, it really lets me understand every part of the music or sounds I listen to and what effects they used. I used to use an app called Friture that to do this but it’s outdated and not in active development anymore, plus this software is faster and more configurable. It’s well worth the price for how polished it is.

One feature I’d love to see is being able to orient the spectrum analyzer vertically so it lines up with the spectrogram scrolling horizontally. Stemming off that it would also be nice to have the option for the frequency bars to go past the FFT line when both are shown like it did in previous versions.

Thank you for making this, its truly amazing!


the vst works in vcv host but not in ableton :((

Hey I'm sorry you're running into this issue. I may be able to more easily help you on Discord or Twitter DMs if you are able to reach out. The next update addresses some bugs regarding the plugin and I may be able to send you an early build to see if that addresses the issue.

the latest updated fixed it :)) thanks alot <3

I purchased this last year and my PC crashed, is there a way to DL it again? Thanks, Peter

Hey you can either go back to the original email that was sent when you purchased it and click the download link, or if you made this account when you bought it it should have a download link at the top of the page.

i can't find the email, i think I must have been using the demo version. I'll look to buy it, it's only a tenna, cheers

(2 edits) (+2)

Just bought this. Such a fantastic piece of software I'm having so much fun with it.

Would love to see layout save slots and an option to start on windows startup for the future. I've got it set up (ridiculously) so that my entire vertical left monitor is covered in the meters and it's so much fun, BUT I would like to be able to quickly toggle between a showy display and something I actually use when producing lol.

Also love your tunes! Been a fan since Trust In Me! : )

Hey ! Just purchased it, i'm really impressed it's a great app (maybe the most practical meter I've ever used)

A few things could make this even better:

1/ Be able to set the frequency ranges for the RGB in the Waveform

2/ Be able to display the full audio channel in the Waveform (like in a DJ app - see rekordbox display for instance)

3/ Add a correlation meter with the stereometer + frequency ranges for the RGB

4/ Add a cross (instead of a vertical line) in the spectrum analyzer to display both frequency & dB level   

Hey! Thanks for the suggestions. Could you please elaborate what you mean by #2?

Hi, just bought it and I'm really impressed. Just  two Ideas for future versions. I'm on Windows 11 and work with Ableton and it's kinda pain to fit Ableton and Minimeters on the screen correctly because minimeters doesn't interact with the Ableton Window and you have to manually resize Ableton every time. Is there maybe a possibility to improve this? Also it would be super cool to set frequency ranges for the RGB option in the Stereometer so you can see that everything under a certain value is mono ect.

Unfortunately I cannot snap the Ableton window below or above MiniMeters. What I generally recommend is using Microsoft’s own PowerToys to set a custom snap region for Ableton.

Being able to set the crossovers for the RGB modes is going to be added in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you so much for the advice, I'll definitively try that out. And I can't wait for the crossover feature. Keep up the great Work!

Oh, I just bought this amazing tool and thought it will work with everything but realize that it doesnt work with ASIO drivers :(((( this is very sad... for me its no point? Do you have refund? 

Hey! Sorry about this. You may be able to get the refund via this link.

That being said, I may add the ability to capture ASIO inputs in the future but depending on your setup that may not be sufficient. I believe the limitations with ASIO are that I cannot capture system or individual application audio when it is used with ASIO. ASIO connects directly from the application to the soundcard. I do include a VST plugin that routes the audio from your application to MiniMeters. That was added so it could be used with ASIO drivers. Is that not sufficient for your use case? I'd love to help make MiniMeters work more for your setup in the future.

Hi, I would like to purchase this, but on MacOS with Sonarworks SoundID, I'm not seeing any meters showing up even when I have SoundID selected as the input/source. The only time I see meters is when the DAW plugin pushes out to MiniMeters. Here's my system.

Does the full version work with this setup? Thanks!

MacOS 10.15.7 Intel 10-Core / SSD / 72 GB RAM / 16 GB VRAM / Sonarworks SoundID Reference 5.2.3 Build 2 / Universal Audio Apollo x6

I'm not sure if I'll get notified of a reply, I will check back in an hour. Thanks!

I figured out the issue. For some reason it seems that "iMac Microphone Access" is required. 

Thinking, I don't even use the "iMac Mic", I disabled this - does this make sense on your end? 

Works great now - nice work, hommie!

Hey! Apple calls the audio permissions "Microphone Permissions" as that's probably more understandable to the average person. I am glad you got it working.  If you need more help or have any questions I'm usually faster to respond on Twitter or Discord!

Can you please add the possibility to extend the size to 2400 pix?

Hey! Could you please elaborate on where you're running into this issue?

There is no limit on the window size. I just tested here by setting the width to 7000+ px wide.

Really great app and not expensive.

Well done!

Using minimeters in ableton 11 and it keeps saying underrun by buffer samples in preferences which shows nothing running through the modules. Underrun won't go away no matter which samples i choose. If I load up a new fresh project it still won't work. Weird cuz it was working when i first bought it but started doing this out of nowhere. Im in ableton 11 on an m1 macbook pro

Hey Erik! Thanks for letting me know. The underrun meter is very much overactive in the current version (0.7.1). If you're not seeing visual glitches (waveform has gaps, or stereometer is flashing) then do not worry about it. I am changing the behavior in the next update (0.8.0) and this shouldn't show anymore.

wow love it so much BIG THANKS !

Hi! I'm really enjoying this tool. The only problem is that everytime I try to open the MiniMetersServer my ableton crashes. 

Oh thats not good! Could you tell me your system specs, Ableton version and if you are trying to load the VST3 or AU?

System Specs: MacOS 10.13.6 / Intel Core i5 / 16 Gb SSD

Ableton 10.1.1

Currently trying with AU but VST3 gives the same problem. 

I will pull out my 10.13 machine and test it today.

If you have a moment and could get me the error report I would really appreciate it:
When Ableton crashes it should show a crash report screen with a bunch of text (called a stacktrace). Either email it to, send it in the MiniMeters Discord, or upload it to a pastebin and link it here.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

You can actually toggle some of them off and on using this section of the preferences menu:

Hi love the plugin! Are there any plans to  add a 'stereo' in the waveforms section instead of just left, right, mid and stereo? 

Yes! 0.7.2 will mostly be bug fixes and some tweaks but you can expect that in whatever follows that version!

Badass, thanks for the heads up! 

hi, love this, so i have the demo and it keeps crashing each time i try to open up preferences 

Hey! Sorry about that. I have tested the demo on Windows 10 and macOS 12.1 and am not seeing that issue. If possible, please share your system specs!

Also if you could try the steps mentioned here that would be fantastic:

(1 edit)

just tried that it still just crashes when i try to open up preferences :/ hopefully if there is a new update it will work.. but my specs are Windows 10, 32 gb ram, MSI motherboard, Intel Core i7-7700k  CPU @ 4.20 GHz.. thanks for trying to help out:)

I am working on a new update but I will need to figure out why that would be happening to be able fix the issue. Could you also tell me what graphics card you are currently using? Thanks.

Ah yes ok, i understand, and it is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 730

Alright thank you. I will experiment and see if I can find the source of this issue! Sorry again you're experiencing this.

Love this!  One small suggestion, it would be cool to have solid lines that denote where the waveform starts clipping at the upper and lower ends of the waveform so its more like a waveform sandwich rather than a small amount of blank space above and below the waveform :)

Hey! If your audio is configured correctly it should not have any space above or below the waveform. Everything above 0dB should be cut off fully by the edge of the window.

I have another small request that anybody has yet. a realtime BPM detector....Thank you

Thanks for the suggestion! I've considered it and may implement it in the future, however expect the next few releases to be bug fixes and performance improvements.

I love this. I can't wait to see how you develop on it. One suggestion I would have: could we set a hotkey to hide/show minimeters? Like something like Alt + I or something, I love to keep it pinned but need to hide it quickly every now and then. All the best~

Hey! That's a good suggestion. I have looked into adding something like this and maybe will in the future. This does add some complexity so in the meantime I would suggest AutoHotkey if you're on Windows and perhaps Hammerspoon on macOS. If you hop into the Discord server and ping me I can give you a AHK or Hammerspoon script to do what you need!

What a great app. I really love it. Can you make an option in peak/lufs metering to display ONLY the two values? True Peak and LUFS. 

All the Best

Hey! I don't have a True Peak meter in right now, but I will consider adding that in the future!

Thank you! another thing you could waveform display "Stereo". But again...great great great work! 

(1 edit)

Just bought it, you have a golden opportunity to finally make a decent all around meter for musicians, producers and engineers. I've used a lot of softwares and plugins and they all lack major important features in my opinion. I already love the simplicity, beauty and customization in your software, I hope I can see your project flourish, grow and that I can and help you with that!


(1 edit)


This looks really cool! Out of interest do you plan to attach the display with the plugin? 

I purchased MiniMeters and loved using it, but now whenever I attempt to open it, it does not appear on my screen. I have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times. I am thinking it may have to do with my switching to monitors of differing resolutions (I often connect to a 720p TV to play games). I have only been running the program standalone, not as a VST. Hoping for some help. 

I think I helped you last night in the Discord, but if anyone else runs into this issue delete the settings file:


How do you close the program without having to forcing an end task via the task manager?

Also want to say that i LOVE this visualizer thank you!!!!


On the top left of the window there is a Quit button.

Just copped this, and no need for analyzers on my master anymore. Amazing.

Greedy of me, but one thing I would love to see on the spectrum analyzer is a grid along the y axis as well for peaks like Voxengo SPAN.


(1 edit)


The screen saver does not start when MiniMeters is running.

Display sleep is also disabled.

Is this fixable?

i use mac

Deleted 3 years ago

I confirmed this is the case and will be corrected in the next update. Thank you for pointing this out!

I'm waiting in anticipation.

thank you.

i love this!! been looking for something like it for years, glad to have finally found it :) came here from your wav2png converter and i'm in awe, keep up the great work!


this is great! what's the best way to submit bugs/issues?

(1 edit)

Sorry you’re running into issues. You can feel free to report issues here in the comments, DM on Twitter, or on the Discord.

the main issue i am coming across comes from resizing. as minimeters gets taller, the stereometer gets larger and larger and shrinks the other modules, including the spectral analyzer which can't be resized. when this happens i have to reset settings and reinstate all my changes. the image is what things look like before resizing. the resized comparison will be in the next comment.


i wouldn't really try to make minimeters this tall, but i did this to illustrate the issue with the stereometer

This was intentional as i did not want it to appear stretched or compressed, and I did not want it to get cut off at the edges. I am looking into solutions for this as to lead to a better experience.

that's fair. i have only really had this happen when trying to move it and forgetting it is alt+drag. i don't run into issues with it now.

Honestly the perfect set of meters! Perfectly readable besides their small size

Plus the small visual footprint means I can have it below my daw without it ever becoming a distraction or taking any real screen estate

Beautiful and wonderful x

-Matt (Gammer)

Thank you Gammer! I’ve liked your music for years so that’s very cool to hear.

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