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Hi everyone! I´m having trouble downloading my purchase, I´ve already tried the alternative download option and in differents devices and the download won´t start, can anyone help me? 


Hey taimer,

You're the 4th person to mention this to me this month. I am not 100% sure why this is happening for some people. I had one user say they could not download from their phone or PC, but when they used a VPN it worked. Others said that their phone worked, but nothing else did.

I am reaching out to support regarding this and will respond here when I get word back.


Hi Joe! Thanks for your answer, I look forward news haha

(2 edits)

I cant live without it!
. Any Chance to a Classic VU meter with reference level implementation?

Hey! I have a VU Meter coming in v1.0 :)

Great, I currently have to run a separate VU Meter App. 

Is anyone running MiniMeters on a second small display? I'm looking for a dedicated one, preferably with USB-C.

Would be amazing to have a "pin to top" be global. I like having my modules split but having each module have its own pin is cumbersome for my use case. Maybe a shift-click on any would toggle every module?

How do I hide the hover menu in my session? It gets in the way of  the mouse interactions with each minimeter.


Hey! You should be able to hide it with the small left arrow on the right side of the menu. Let me know if that helps.

OMG thank you.

beautiful thing, super useful. thank you for your work! i got feature request too... 

its gon be cool if autor add ability to show db in numbers maybe like mode for lufs/peak meter or like separate module. may be ultra useful. immediate and peak db right on the screen without tabbing to mixer. not every daw has such built-in feature

Love this

This is really great and helps a lot with my workflow. Couple of feature requests:

- For the spectrum, a way to set the frequency range. I only need it to start at 20Hz and TBH 50Hz would be even better. Having that would be more informative at a glance and free up vertical screen space.

- For the Peak/LUFS meter, display the peak value as a number. LU is handy but Peak is more important for me.

- Somehow smooth out the line when there are a lot of peaks, or a way to limit the peak density, or something like that. This might be harder to implement? But the density of grey here is super high compared to the colours.

Could we please get the option to use the Waveform in 3-band move, like in Rekordbox? I find that way more handy than RGB. And ideally have the waveform not reset as you zoom in and out. Thank you!

I can look into adding a mode like that! I will probably not change how zooming works though.

Hi guys. Really enjoying this plugin. I didnt register when buying and now I'm having a hard time updating because it doesnt link to this account. Can you help me out? I have the order confirmation and all. 

You should be able to recover your purchase from here:

Let me know if that helps!

Yeah it works now


hey Direct,there’s one feature missing from this plugin that would make it the ultimate package: a freeze button or icon. When clicked, it would freeze the waveform display, allowing the user to analyze a snapshot. The waveform would remain frozen until the user decides to unfreeze it.

IMO this feature will be incredibly useful, many plugins already have it built in. For example, if you want to analyze a chord progression or melody through the spectrogram, instead of trying to follow the waveform as it fades away, you could simply freeze it and study the state.

could you consider integrating this into the program? If not, it doesn’t seem like a complex thing to implement, does it?


Yes. This is in my v1.0 Beta builds as a pause button.

Awesome. That’s so cool, I’m really excited about this feature. If you don’t mind, could you give me a hint about when version 1.0 will be released approximately? 

As of the 2nd of January I have a private group of testers helping me out. I would like to get it stable within the next couple months :)

(1 edit)

It is the plug-in which I mix every time.
How to open 2 more windows at the same time?
If cannot open 2 more windows, please add this function. Thank you!

Hey! Do you mean two copies of MiniMeters as a whole or separate windows for each module?

I wonder if OP meant splitting graph sections off into their own floating windows? That could be handy for arranging around an existing work UI, though possibly not as simple to code ;-)

Perhaps, but I'm not 100% sure what you mean. MiniMeters allows you to "pop out" each meter. Are you referring to some additional settings that could be added? Let me know! I am definitely curious.

Minimeters is very handy. I enjoy using it. I would love if it had a solo band feature like voxengo span(pressing cmd/ctrl on the frequency).

If you read this, have a great day!

Hey! I would love to add a feature like that in the future. It would only be able to work when using the MiniMetersServer plugin. Would that be sufficient for your need?

Either way is cool. Since you ask, here is my use case:

My actual use case was to use just the minimeters app during reviewing music to confirm the resonances I heard and also to confirm balance issues between highs/mids/lows. Then people can analyze/review music just playing via e.g. spotify without a DAW or getting the music into the DAW.

I can understand if implementing this for the app version has more effort or has other limitations. Is the problem due to plugin libraries already having EQ/filtering logic compared to the app version(I do not know, I just wonder about it)?

I totally understand the use-case. I have thought about adding that for a while and I would likely use it in my own music production workflow just as I used SPAN. However, implementing that system-wide would be quite a large undertaking on both macOS and Windows. I'm sure I could get a minimum viable product on macOS done in a reasonable amount of time since Apple seems to support something like that in macOS 14.2 and later, but tools like eqMac and SoundSource exist and are battle-tested to be low latency and performant. I may dive into that one day, but am avoiding the feature creep as I approach finalizing the v1.0 update. Implementing it with the server plug-in is trivial and already "done" for v1.0.

Luckily I am on mac and I am looking forward to this feature whenever you may implement it. I did not think of the multi platform hassle before, so good luck in the future and thank you for the awesome product and communication!

Is there a plan to add a short-term LUFS measurement?



Amazing, thank you!

I've been using these every day for about a month, and they've now become invaluable for me. Fantastic work!

Two feature requests for consideration:

  • Waveform meter includes an L/R mono sum option
  • LUFS meter includes a target range value(s), color coded perhaps?

Thanks again, absolutely loving these meters!

Hey! Does the Mono mode not do what you expect in the Waveform? That is the sum of the left and right channels.

I may add a target range in a future update, but it's not planned at the moment.

Hey there! Thanks for the reply. Not seeing "mono" as an option currently. Mid/Side is useful, but not quite what I'm after.

Sorry, I apologize for the terminology confusion. Mid = Mono in this case.

Ahh, that seems to do the trick! Thanks for clarifying.

Love these meters, ty! Is there any way to change the FFT window for the spectrogram?

Hey! Thanks for picking it up. Not in 0.8.23, but that will be coming in an update!


First:  Awesome job!!!  

Just bought this, and love it.  One possible suggestion would be to be able to have the option for a vertical placement on the screen.  This would make it much easier to get other windows (at least on Mac) to play nice and have another cool look.  =)

Thanks for the get app!



Hey! This is highly requested, but has required me to do some light redesigning of some of the modules. This is planned for an update! Stay tuned.

Awesome!  Programming can be a challenge, especially if you have to deal with Windows.  hehe  Will look forward to it.

Bought this, love it! Is there any way to have it not be affected by Equalizer APO (and consequently its frontend, Peace)?  Maybe there's some way to have it ignore audio enhancements in Windows (since that's how EQ APO operates)?

I use Peace to have EQ APO load different configurations based on what headphones I'm using or even using a flat config for my studio monitors. MiniMeters reflects the changes EQ APO makes, making the read-out by MiniMeters inaccurate unless I'm using a flat config.

Loading MiniMetersServer before Peace should fix the issue... but EQ APO can only load 64-bit VST2 DLLs - not VST3/AU/CLAP/etc. I've tried for a while to down-convert the MiniMetersServer VST3 to VST2 but it's been quite difficult.

If a x64 VST2 DLL could be created, that would be hugely appreciated. Not sure how else to solve this problem without fundamentally changing MiniMeters.

Sorry for all the text - thanks!


Hey! I will do more research but when I was writing the WASAPI backend I did not see a way to choose how far down the chain I was capturing from.

As for VST2 support: Unfortunately, Steinberg only allows newer devs to create VST3 Plug-Ins according to their license agreement. I have no interest in breaking their license agreement.

Thanks for the response! If you do eventually look into the WASAPI chain, hopefully it ends up being an easy change to make. I'll stick to using it with the MiniMetersServer VST3 in my DAW for the time being. Though EQ APO + Peace are used pretty ubiquitously, I suspect the chances of VST3 support being added to EQ APO is pretty slim


I did look into it. From what I can tell, WASAPI Loopback can only capture audio after all Audio Processing Objects are finished in the chain. I also looked into implementing my own APO with the intention to capture audio earlier in the chain, but there does not seem to be a mechanism to ensure MiniMeters would be before EQ APO.

For now, I will add a help page clarifying that EQ APO and MM are not generally compatible. I will also sit down and see if I can find any VST3 -> VST2 wrappers that are compatible.

However, do note that the MiniMetersServer Plug-In is open source (at the moment).

Thank you so much! I don't know a ton about EQ APO under the hood, but if I can be any help at all, just let me know.

I did some tests and was unable to get any of the wrappers I tried to work properly with MiniMetersServer, but I am unsure if that is due to the wrappers or if something is preventing it from talking to MiniMeters properly. I will do more research there.

Is this a VST3, I am trying to pull it up in the MPC daw But its not finding it at all

Hey! MiniMeters includes MiniMetersServer which is a VST3, AU, and CLAP plugin that will send audio to the application. There is more info here regarding the plug-in. Make sure your DAW is looking in the listed folders, and if you could, please double-check the plugin is in those folders. If not, I can definitely provide more support.

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